Saturday, November 03, 2007

The Golden Compass

I got an e-mail a few days ago warning about the upcoming movie, The Golden Compass, saying it's a movie about killing God. According to the e-mail, it's "the anti-Narnia". It also contained a link to, where there's a brief summary of the movie and of the author of the book series the movie is based on. The link quotes the author from a 2003 interview as saying, "My books are about killing God." So I guess there isn't much doubt about what the books are really about.

But if you've seen the trailer, it looks really good!

There's a feature on the movie's website where you can "meet your daemon" by answering 20 questions. Mine is a spider called Aspradora. In the movie, everyone has a daemon (demon), but they dwell in the form of an animal outside your body rather than inside, and they're a reflection of yourself rather than an indwelling spirit. Maybe your exo-soul. So maybe the whole "Demons are our pets" thing is a bit troubling.

I love fantasy-adventure flicks like this. And regarding the hidden message behind the story, I don't think I'll lose any sleep over it. Remember The Matrix? We Christians found a hidden message of hope and life and truth in it, because of all the "other-world", eye-opening, truth-revelation scenes it contained. Non- (or anti-) Christians found in it a hidden message of hope and life and truth, because of all the "other-world", eye-opening truth-revelation scenes in it. I have a hunch The Golden Compass will will be owned by both positions, too. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
But I definitely want to see it. Maybe I'll post on it again afterward.
Normally I like spiders, and I had three tarantulas as pets when I was younger. But if I ever see
Aspradora around, that sucker's gunna get squashed.

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Blogger Josh Crain said...

Okay, keep in mind that I say this as a Christian, but:

I'm sick and tired of Christians throwing temper tantrums and signing petitions and making the news about every single movie, advertisement, book and perfume they don't 100% approve of (okay, the perfume may be a stretch, but don't think for a minute that it won't happen one day).

I'm looking forward to the movie because it sounds unique and because the cinematography looks cool. Sue me.

Check out a cool interview with the author here where he explains that he isn't making a negative statement about religion as a whole. It's a pretty good interview.

Also, congrats on the amazing play of your running back this week, Derifter. The Vikings and Steelers are finally starting to play to their potential! (but especially the Steelers)

November 06, 2007 1:54 AM  
Blogger DErifter said...

Hey, Josh-
I think I got to that same interview through a link on the movie's website. I'm pretty much with you on the idea of Christians "crying wolf". Personally, I think the same thing happened with Harry Potter.

Our teams really are playing better, and thanks for noting that especially the Steelers are. Also, I want to thank you for congratulating me on Peterson's running ability. It makes me feel like he couldn't have done it without me.

November 06, 2007 6:24 PM  

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