Sunday, August 28, 2005

Signs And Wonders, I Wonder...

Does God still work miracles today? Some people, Benny Hinn for example - they think that it's good to "help God along" by manufacturing their own miracles and then saying, "Glory be to Gawd!" That drives me nuts. We as Christians are all about the TRUTH! What good is the message we bring if what we bring is a lie? If we say God heals when He didn't, it would be better to say "I don't know why sometimes God doesn't heal" than to lie about it. Jesus said that He healed physical diseases so that people would know that the spiritual healing He brought was real also. But that works both ways: if the physical "healings" that people see in churches and at revivals is fake or exaggerated, why would they think anything different of the spiritual healing, or God Himself?

On the other hand, why would we think that God doesn't work miracles anymore? I don't find anything in the bible saying that there will be miracles in the Old Testament times, and miracles in the New Testament times, but then sometime later the miracles will drop off, and kinda fade away, and then we'll eventually just sing songs about the marvelous things that God used to do. Our pastor (Dave Johnson, Church of the Open Door) recently was talking about how he grew up believing that charismatics preached their experience instead of the Word, with all their talk about healings and tongues and miracles. Then one day it dawned on him that his church was doing the same thing- preaching their experience (no healings, no tongues, no miracles) instead of preaching the Word. Remember when Jesus hit His hometown? He didn't perform many miracles there "Because of their unbelief". It's about faith.

I think the truth, as it so often does, lies somewhere in the middle. When miracles don't happen, some like to pretend they did. When miracles do happen, some like to pretend they didn't. I believe God does still do amazing things, and not all spiritual as some would say. Physical, visible healings and giftings and other miracles still happen. Not as often as some say it does, but more than others say it does. I'm guessing it happens exactly as often as God thinks it should. As much attention as miracles receive, it's important to remember that they are not the goal. They are signs and wonders. Signs that point to God and cause people to wonder about how much more there is than we know.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Lunker Largemouths

Here's a couple pictures of my brother with a pair of Hawgs he caught while we were fishing on Lake ******* (ha ha!) in Michigan. The biggest one I caught that weekend can be
seen here, but it doesn't compare to Ken's. Note the glazed-over look in his eyes. I can't say I blame him, it's like a dream to be holding two bass that big. Note also the picture of him releasing one of them. He did let them both go, but only one picture. I think if it was me one of them would be mounted on my wall. It's a good lake. We were catching walleyes in the middle of the afternoon while trolling with (I think) a 9.9 hp gas outboard! Ken's brother-in-law was catching them on Little Sizzlers sausages. It's funny how the fish don't know to be wary of odd-looking baits and gas motors, but there's no traffic on the lake and the only people who fish it are the people who live on it. This was years ago, but I just was looking at the pictures recently and thought it would be fun to put a couple up here. Peace out.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Network Security and Eternal Security

It wasn't that long ago that we got our first wireless router. We didn't really have a need for it because all we owned was desktop computers. But when Cathy bought a laptop we had to start thinking about it. We bought the wireless card for it while we were on vacation because the hotel we were staying at didn't have any internet access. That was in Corpus Christi, Texas. We found out that the city was offering free wireless access city-wide (downtown) on a trial basis, which was exceedingly cool since we really had no other way of connecting unless we happened to get close enough to a hotel that did have access. Anyway, we didn't know much about wireless network security (I wouldn't say we're experts even now) but I was impressed to find out about MAC address filtering, in which you log into your router's password-protected "settings" page and enter the MAC address of each computer that you want to grant access to your network.... um, to. Only computers whose MAC address is listed in your MAC address filtering page will be granted access, all others will be denied. Also, I discovered that you can cancel the broadcast of your network's name and other info so it won't show up when a would-be intruder tried to find it. Plus, on top of those things, you can use a password-scrambling thing so that even if someone found your network, they'd have to crack the scrambling technology to even get TO the network, where MAC address filtering should (hopefully!) shut them down. There's probably still some way we'll get hacked and someone will steal the only backup copy of my Nickname page that's on my website. If you're thinking about going there to read it, let me save you some pain: DON'T DO IT! IT'S TOO BORING!

So the MAC address filtering thing reminded me of the Lamb's Book of Life, which according to the book of Revelation is opened on Judgement Day (
"If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire." Revelation 20:15) Another similar reference, though from the "glass is half full" viewpoint is a few verses later ("Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life." Rev 21:27)

"No hackers will ever enter it, but only those whose MAC address is written in the Router's List of Permitted Computers to Access the Network" a verse I just made up.

It's important to note (keeping in mind the title of this post) that the life Jesus gives to His followers is everlasting life. Once your name is in the Book of Life, it's there to stay.
"He who overcomes will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out his name from the book of life, but will acknowledge his name before my Father and his angels." Rev 3:5)

I guess I could make more "connections" there, like how the router tries to hide the network by not broadcasting network info, but when it comes to the Book of Life, God wants us not to conceal it but to shout it from the hilltops. Okay maybe that was a contrast, not a connection.

And trying to figure out some passages in the Bible can feel like trying to crack a revolving, scrambled code password, but thankfully we don't have to figure them all out to enter.

Another thought on eternal security is that it's by God's grace that we receive everlasting life. Not by works, lest any man should boast. So if you didn't gain it by works (something you did right) you can't lose it by works (something you do wrong). That's security: Knowing for a fact that Heaven is your destiny, not wondering if you'll make it. Besides, if you could lose your everlasting life, it wouldn't really be everlasting, would it? Jesus says it is. And it's all free. All ya gotta do is ask! Oh, and believe. Access the Network in the sky- It's free, but not on a trial basis. It's free permanantly. But for a limited time only, act now! I better stop now, this is getting too corny.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Retirement, Come To Me!

I want to be retired. Not tired, I'm that already. It's been a hot summer and we've been working longer hours. I mean retired as in I don't have to go to work. When I was a teenager, I hoped that I would die before I turned fifty, because I didn't want to end up some old coot sitting in a rocking chair all day doing nothing. That's what I thought people did when they turned fifty. I wish it was. That rocking chair is sounding pretty good these days. Now that my wife has a laptop, we could sit out on the porch (we don't have a porch but that's how I picture retired people: In a rocking chair on the porch) and hand it back and forth so we can check our e-mail and blog till the cows come home. We don't have any cows, either.

Don't get me wrong- I'm glad I can contribute to society and be a productive citizen and everything but man, I sure enjoy those days off. That would leave a lot more time for fishing. They say money can't buy you happiness, but I think you can retire earlier if you have more money, and I think that would make me happy. As they say, "If" is the middle word in life.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Sinner or Saint continued

In the last post I said that how you answer the question, "Are you a sinner or a saint?" can shape the way you live. I'm talking about Christians here because if you're not a Christian, you are

a) Probably not reading this
b) Wondering why anyone would call themself a sinner or a saint
c) In need of salvation, which is much bigger and more important than what I'm saying right now. You can e-mail me if you'd like to know more about that. But feel free to keep reading.

If you as a Christian believe that after putting your trust in Jesus for salvation you are "transformed" into a forgiven sinner, then I don't think you understand all the talk in the bible about "new life" and how we were dead in our sins, without hope and without God but now we've been raised to new life. How if anyone is in Christ they are a new creation. Much more happened when you believed than just God overlooking your sin. You were made new and you are no longer an enemy of God, but His child. He dwells in you. And you are holy. You have everlasting life. And He loves you like crazy! He's not disappointed when you fail but right there with you helping you through it. Think of a dad helping his kid learn to ride a bike.

The change is more incredible than we know. So much more than just His forgiveness! (Just His forgiveness... ??!!) His forgiveness is awesome, and it's what brings us from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. And it's all by grace. We don't deserve any of it. Anybody who thinks they
deserve to be forgiven, raise your hand. (Just kidding) He forgave us because He loves us. I could say you don't deserve a free sandwich from me, but if I gave you one I hope you would eat it and be thankful, not spend the rest of your life trying to earn it or pay me back. That would kinda creep me out, and it probably has the same effect on God when we try to earn what He gives away for free. (Fine example, huh? Sometimes I fall short)

The forgiveness and the new life He gives us is something to be completely grateful that we've received, not something we spend our lives struggling to obtain. It's free- You can't earn it.

We live differently when we live our lives in gratitude to God for all He's done, all He's made us, all we have to look forward to in eternity, and He allows us to bring the gospel- "good news" to those who haven't heard. And it's better news than we think. Better than we dare to dream! We're God's children and He's not scowling at us, He's smiling!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Sinner Or Saint?

For non-Christians, it's not an issue that comes up much. Even in Christian circles you might say that it comes up, but it's not really an issue. Are you a sinner or a saint? Joe non-Christian probably wouldn't call himself a saint, but it's unlikely he considers himself a sinner either. In fact, if you told him he is a sinner, I doubt that he'd even spend a whole lot of energy arguing with you. He probably doesn't care. A self-righteous non-believer would say that Joe Christian is just as much a sinner as he is. So now what?

If Joe C. is going to say something instead of walking away all awkward and stuff, what's it gunna be? A common response would be something like, "Well, I do have my downfalls and weaknesses, but I'm a work in progress. You're right- I'm a sinner just like you. But with the help of Jesus, I'm trying to quit smoking, and I don't drink as much as I used to..." and on and on.

Another common response would be, "WRONG! I haven't missed a church service in twenty-two years, and neither has my daddy. I know my bible like the back of my hand, and I can quote any verse in the New Testament at will. I serve communion and I do this and I do that and also the other thing. And I do it all in the Precious Name of JEEE-SUS-ahh!"

When the question of sinner-or-saint is asked of a Christian, the stakes go up. Your answer, and your reasons for believing it, really are the foundation your life is built on. Your understanding of your identity at its core will shape the way you live. Many Christians would relate to the first example above: A big part of their lives consists of trying hard not to sin. They would readily admit that they are sinners, and point to the Apostle Paul's confession that "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst." (1 Timothy 1:15) From time to time I also hear, "We're all just sinners in need of forgiveness". Another of Paul's verses often quoted by this camp is, "For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing." (Romans 7:19, usually quoted with a nervous chuckle) But if Christians are no different than non-Christians, then why did Jesus have to die?

Those Christians who would relate to the second example would be the people non-Christians would say fill most churches: The self-righteous hypocrite. They're the co-stars in the gospels, particularly Matthew chapter 23. The "Woe to you" chapter, where Jesus lays into the scribes and pharisees (churchy types) for their hypocrisy. Whoa. In that chapter Jesus pretty much reveals who they are and their view of themselves, so I'm not going to do that here. You can go read it if you want to. I'll wait here. (Hmm hmm hmmm.....)

Much of the church today dodges the question (in my view) by saying that Christians are "sinner-saints". We are sinners because we sin, and we are saints because we are forgiven.
I have big problems with that. (Are you getting nervous?) I'll just say it. I am not a sinner, I am a saint. And if you are a true believer, that's who you are, too. Did you notice that? I didn't say, "And if you go to church, you're not a sinner" or if you quit smoking dope or if you go to seminary and become a pastor or priest, or if you serve communion, or if you confess your sins to God or anyone else, or if you quit sleeping around, or downloading tunes off the internet that aren't yours (huh?) or swearing... None of those things can make you a saint. Maybe you knew that and maybe you didn't. They're all good things, I suppose, or at least they're okay things. Oddly enough, none of those things can make you a sinner either. Because you were born a sinner, before you did any of those things, good or bad. And you'll stay a sinner all your life (and all eternity for that matter) unless you are born again. I don't mean to spout verses, but just so you know I'm not making it up, here's three:

"Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again." " How can a man be born when he is old?" Nicodemus asked. "Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb to be born!" Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, 'You must be born again.' " (John 3:3-7)

" For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God." (1 Peter 1:23) and also "No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God." (1 John 3:9)

That verse from 1 John 3 has been the subject of TONS of controversy. I have to wrap this up for now. I don't know what time will be posted here because the clock on my little blogger deal here says 10:33 PM(That must be when I started this post), but my watch says it's 12:51 AM, and my mind is saying, "You have to work in the mornig." Morning. Sometimes my mind doesn't spell all that well. But before I quit, I WILL say that I once was a sinner, but no more. And it's not because I quit drinking. The reason I am no longer a sinner is because I believe. Believe what? That Jesus's sacrifice (His death on the cross) is sufficient to blot out ALL my sin. As my pastor once said, "We weren't just sinners who needed to be forgiven. God didn't just look at our sin with a wink and say, 'Aw, it's alright come and give me a hug.' We were dead men who needed new life."

Jesus gave me that new life. I've been reborn, "recreated" according to 2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"
You might say the sinner has gone, the saint has come!

I almost hope someone disagrees, or at least asks for clarification or builds on something because there's so much here that still needs to be said (Like exactly what I mean when I say "Sinner" because after all this there are SOME ways in which I'd say I am a sinner!), but I don't want to type it all at once. I'd rather type what needs to be said. Or maybe I'll do like a Part 2 or something. I wonder if I'll be able to get up in the morning. Pray for me, k? :)

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

A GTO Part

In 1978 I was looking for a car just to get me around. Although my dream car was a 1967 Camaro SS and I would have happily settled for my #2 dream car (a '69 Camaro), I couldn't afford either one. I was just a 17-year-old punk at the time. I probably couldn't afford either one now either. I looked in the classified ads, and saw a 1966 Pontiac GTO for sale for only $600 which was more than I had, but not by much. I called and talked to the owner and it sounded good so I went to look at it. When I got there and saw the car in the driveway, I instantly fell in love with it. But there was another kid and his dad talking to the owner, and as I walked up I overheard that they were already negotiating the price! The kid was offering in the range of $500 or $525, I don't remember. My brother was with me and I said to him, "Oh no, he's gunna buy my car!" Ken said, "Well, go tell him you'll give him the six hundred." (He's such a genius, my brother.)

So I went and interrupted their negotiations with my offer of $600 and the kid looked at his dad all desperate, like what are we going to do? His dad said, "Naw, you don't wanna pay that kinda money" and they walked away. I bet that kid still isn't talking to his dad to this day. Bad day for him, good day for me. You can tell because that was 27 years ago and I can still see the kid's face as they walked away. I felt bad for him and everything, but I had my car! I hadn't even taken it for a test-drive yet. So I did, then I bought it. I almost got my first ticket in it on the way home, too. Got a little sideways coming around a corner and the cop who was coming towards me just pulled out into the middle of the road like, "Pull it on over there, boy". I lied and told him I wasn't used to the high-performance clutch that was in my new car. Although I don't think he believed me, he let me go with just a warning. I never have gotten a ticket in that car. I don't drive it that way very often anymore though.

My closest races (I've never lost one "yet") a '69 Roadrunner and a '70 GTO. Both so close I could have mouthed, "You lose" to the driver of each and they would have heard me.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Blog Spelled Backwards Is "golB"

I can't believe everybody's not as excited about my blog as I am! I'm new to this so I try to squeeze my blog into just about every conversation I have, but the applause just isn't there. The subject changes and and I end up talking about whatever they think is interesting. What a drag. I'm running out of things to write about already. Oh- Today I thought I'd check Yahoo to see if I could find that "As The World Churns" post I wrote a couple days ago and found out that there's like 350,000 other listings for that! I thought I was being clever when I titled that. Hmm. Guess not. Do you know there's even like 39,000 listings for "golb"? Which incidentally is contained in the title of this tsop. Post. Whatever. Even though I have nothing that interesting to write about today, (I kinda spent myself in a comment on someone else blog earlier) I'm happy to tell you this blog will never get boring. If you want boring, you'll have to go to my website and read about my nickname. Try it late at night if you can't sleep.